MS-dos is an abbreviation form of the Microsoft disk operating system. It is popular operating system software, designes be Microsoft Corporation for the users of IBM compatible computer. It is developed for disk drives. It was the most popular before coming windows operating system. It is a text user interface (TUI).All commands and correct syntax has to keep in mind and all are in text form.
Ms-DOS comprises three essential files for booting the computer.
These are:
How to run it:
1. Go to start menu.
2. Click on command prompt.
1. Click on run.
2. Type command prompt.
3. Click on ok.
DOS Command/ Command Prompt.
We have two types of DOS commands.
They are:
1. Internal command.
2. External command.
1. Internal command:
It is the command which runs with the help of system files is known as internal command. E.g. DIR, CIS, MD, CD, COPY CON, TYPE, REN, DEL, RD, COPY, DATE, TIME.
it display the contents of director is suppose you have a telephone directory and turn it on then, you can see list of telephone numbers. Similarly the command does.
C :\> DIR ◄┘
C :\> DIR /p ◄┘ (page wise display)
C :\> DIR /w ◄┘ (widest display)
C :\> DIR /ph ◄┘ (hidden file display)
CLS: It clears the screen.
c:\>CLS ◄┘
MD (make directory): It creates new directory
C :\> MD
E.g. MD Suresh ◄┘
CD (change directory): It changes the directory suppose you are in root directory C:\>
And you want to go to the directory you created then this command is used.
C :\> CD
E.g. CD
C: \Suresh>CD \ (return to root directory)
C: \Suresh>sameer>CD (return to root directory at Once)
Copy con \: It create a new file
C:\Suresh>copy con
E.g. Copy con chat
Then it gives a blank screen where you can type your text after typing. Press F6 and Enter to save this file.
Type: It display the text that you saved last time
C:\suresh> type
Type chat
REN: it changes the name of the file.
Del: it erases the file you saved.
DATE: It display the Current date available in Computer.
C:\suresh>date ◄┘
TIME: It display the current time available in the computer.
C:\Suresh>time ◄┘
Copy: It creates a duplicate of the file. Suppose you have an original copy of bio data. It you photo copy you will get two copies of it, similarly the command does.
Changing drive:
C :\> D: ◄┘
D :\> C: ◄┘
2. External command: the command which needs extra file having some name and extension exe or com to run the command is known as external command.ATTRIB are the two external command.
EDIT: It is used for editing the save file
C:\suresh >edit
The following screen appears:
File edit
Hello! I am……..
Edit your file using arrows keys to move cursor here and there. After Editing:
To save file:
Press ALT + F + S
To return back to command prompt.
Press ALT + F + X
ATTRIB: It changes attributes (properties of file)
C:\suresh> ATTRIB+H
C:\suresh> ATTRIB-H
C:\suresh> ATTRIB+R
C:\suresh> ATTRIB-R
TREE: Display all files of each sub-directory in the form of tree diagram.
DEL: Deletes the file.
CHKDSK: this command checks the disk for error and display the status.
CHKDSK (drive)
E.g. C:\>CHKDSK D: ◄┘checks for disk drive D for error)
(/F) used to fix drive problems.
(/U) used to display full path.
DOSKEY: It is used to assign the macros for the dos command.
E.g. dos key d=dir ◄┘
Dos key c=cls ◄┘
X Copy: it is used to copy files as well as its directories and sub-directories to another location.
MORE: To view the context of files or the output of instructions in liner form.
E.g. C:\dir:MORE ◄┘
LABEL: It is used to assign the table for the disk.
E.g. C:\>label D: ◄┘
FORMAT: To format selected disk
E.g. C:\>format A: ◄┘
Desk com: It compares disk and display the status
Scandisk: scan the disk drive for error.
Some other internal commands:
RD (remove directory): Removes directory/sub- directory.
E.g. RD C:\Ram
kumar ◄┘
NOTE: Before deleting directory the context must be empty.
VER command: Displays MS-DOS version.
PROMPT command: This command is used to make changes on the DOS prompt.
Prompt (text)
Text values can be
$ P (specifies path)
$ G (.n greater than sign)
$ A (.n current date)
$ T (.n and n time)
$ P (specifies path)
$ G (.n greater than sign)
$ A (.n current date)
$ T (.n and n time)
1981 MS-DOS 1.0 was released August, 1981.
1982 MS-DOS 1.25 was released August, 1982.
1983 MS-DOS 2.0 was released March, 1983.
1984 Microsoft introduces MS-DOS 3.0 for the IBM PC AT and MS-DOS 3.1 for networks.
1986 MS-DOS 3.2 was released April, 1986.
1987 MS-DOS 3.3 was released April, 1987.
1988 MS-DOS 4.0 was released July, 1988.
1988 MS-DOS 4.01 was released November, 1988.
1991 MS-DOS 5.0 was released June, 1991.
1993 MS-DOS 6.0 was released August, 1993.
1993 MS-DOS 6.2 was released November, 1993
1994 MS-DOS 6.21 was released March, 1994
1994 MS-DOS 6.22 was released April, 1994
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